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Kids' favorite Thomas & Friends&trade, characters are ready to race faster than ever before! TrackMaster&trade, Turbo Speed Engines are motorized toy trains that can travel up to 2 times faster than normal TrackMaster&trade, engines. At more than double the speed, TrackMaster&trade, Turbo Speed Engines take fast-paced thrills to new levels! Plus, for cool, hands-on play, this Turbo Thomas Pack lets kids control the speed with Booster Tracks. Children can use the two included Booster Tracks to activate the engine's top speed and slow him down. Flip the switch on one Booster Track so the color turns green, and when Thomas passes over, he'll launch into Turbo mode. When a Booster Track is switched to yellow and Thomas passes over while in Turbo mode, he'll slow back down to normal speed. 3-7 years

Fisher-Price Thomas & Friends Track Master Turbo Thomas Pack

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